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Showing posts from September, 2011

Shoulder Massage

Dear Nathalie, So, mommy's head has been in a fog for the past couple of weeks.  A very good friend lost her dad, and I have been doing my best to be there for her while trying not to re-live the weeks following your grandma's death.  It isn't easy.  Sleep isn't doing much for me, and today I woke up with a sore back.  As we were sitting at the table this morning, eating breakfast, I was trying to stop being grumpy.  You asked what was wrong and I explained that my back was hurting.  You offered a shoulder massage and with the lightest touch ever, you rubbed my shoulders for approximately 45 seconds.  "Don't you feel much better now, mommy?"  I do.  I feel a million times better.  It's amazing to me how something so small, so innocent, so filled with pure love can change one's mood.  You did it, dear Nathalie....I feel better. Love, Mom

First Night of Homework

Dear Nathalie, When you're older, and you're reading through these for the first time, you're really going to hate me for this particular post.  But this is just too good to pass up: Tonight was your first official night of homework.  Your teacher will be sending home a packet of work to be completed throughout the week and you have to bring it back on Fridays.  In the homework notes, she mentions that homework should be a positive experience, that we should make it fun. Mission accomplished!  You got so excited finding items around the house that start with the letter "c" that you forgot to use the bathroom and you peed your pants!  I heard you screaming from the bathroom and I couldn't figure out what was wrong and you were just standing there when I walked in: Nathalie:  Look at what's happening to me! Mommy:  What?!?! Nathalie:  I just wasn't fast enough! Mommy:  I guess you got to excited about homework, huh? Nathalie:...


Dear Nathalie, You will find moments in your life where nothing, absolutely NOTHING will make you feel better than a hug from your baby. I just had one of those moments and you are not here.  You went to Las Vegas this weekend with Ron and the boys to visit the Barretts while mommy had to happens sometimes and it's not that big a deal.  But, this morning I heard some very sad news and all I wanted to do was hold you.  I called Ron and talked to him a bit and he asked if I wanted to talk to you and at first I said no.  Because I didn't want you to hear me crying.   But I stayed on the phone and calmed down a bit and finally asked to talk with you.  And it was just what I needed. You drew a picture for me and wrote me a note, just like you told you me you would when you were away.  I can't wait to see it, dear Nathalie.  And I can't wait to hug you on Monday. Love, Mom

More drawings...

Dear Nathalie, I wanted to post the three new pictures you added to your journal.  Because, well, journals get lost.  This way, they will be on the internet forever and you can look back and see how creative you were at age 5.  (Which you did NOT get from me, by the way.  Mommy couldn't draw STICK FIGURES at the the age of 5.)  Robot  This was starting out as a picture of you and then you got mad that you drew the legs I suggested you make it a robot and you were thrilled at that idea.  Great recovery. Ice Skates    I took me awhile to see the ice skates in this picture....but there they are....I think.  Um....let's work on your ice skate drawings. Peppermint Candy  It's one of those twisty wrappered candies.  So, those are your newest additions.  I'm going to get to doing some housework now.  Love, Mom