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Showing posts from October, 2011

Long time coming...

Dear Nathalie, I haven't written to you in a long time.  A few weeks to be exact.  I'd like to say it's because I haven't had any time, but that would just be an excuse.  There have been so many moments, so many things you've said in the time since I wrote last, that I'm now kicking myself for not recording any of them.  The whole idea of this blog was to capture these memories before they get lost.  Fail. What caused this lapse?  Why haven't I been writing?  Maybe I've been blaming my busy work schedule, but the truth is, I started all this with the same workload I have now.  I think what happened, really, was a change in my emotional state.  One of my best friends lost her dad about a month ago.  I wrote a little to you about it when it happened, but thinking back, I think that's when I started to "not have time" to blog. The whole situation was much too close to how I lost your grandma.  Without warning.  Too young....