Dear Nathalie,
I may have mentioned this before, but you used to have problems with the letters S and P and how they sounded when they were smooshed together. For example, Spencer always came out Semper and Sponge Bob was delightfully referred to as SomeBodge. I miss those days....the days when we had Sprangled Eggs for breakfast and whatnot.....
There are still a few instances where you have trouble coming up with the right words for what you're trying to explain to me. I liked that you learned about driddlers in your kindergarten class, but I'm pretty sure that your friend Josh plays with a dreidel around Hanukkah time....the best was yesterday.....
"Mommy, can you put on the graham cracker?"
"What do you mean....what do you want me to put on the graham cracker? We're in the car I don't have any graham crackers."
"No, mommy. The music. The Graham Cracker cd."
"You mean the NUTcracker?"
"Oh. Yeah."
I freaking LOVE you, kid. As always......
I may have mentioned this before, but you used to have problems with the letters S and P and how they sounded when they were smooshed together. For example, Spencer always came out Semper and Sponge Bob was delightfully referred to as SomeBodge. I miss those days....the days when we had Sprangled Eggs for breakfast and whatnot.....
There are still a few instances where you have trouble coming up with the right words for what you're trying to explain to me. I liked that you learned about driddlers in your kindergarten class, but I'm pretty sure that your friend Josh plays with a dreidel around Hanukkah time....the best was yesterday.....
"Mommy, can you put on the graham cracker?"
"What do you mean....what do you want me to put on the graham cracker? We're in the car I don't have any graham crackers."
"No, mommy. The music. The Graham Cracker cd."
"You mean the NUTcracker?"
"Oh. Yeah."
I freaking LOVE you, kid. As always......
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