Nathalie is my daughter. When she started her adventure into elementary school, I thought I should start recording my thoughts before they fluttered away with the rest of my memory.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Another year, another quiet blog......

Dear Nathalie,

I just re-read my last letter to you, and I realized something. In the grand scheme of things, I shouldn't feel awful at all that I've gone another year without posting. When you finally sit down and read these letters, it won't really matter that I missed a whole year. The important thing is that I didn't MISS the whole year.

We spent the year doing so many fun things together. You spent the year growing and learning and becoming even more of your own person.

I spent the year growing and learning and becoming a better, stronger mommy.

Last year was not an easy year for me. A wave of what we fondly call "ninja grief" around here hit me like a ton of bricks and I spent a good portion of my time feeling really down. Your grandpa was able to re-group, re-marry, and start a new chapter of his life. That wasn't easy for mommy. But I see how happy he he hasn't forgotten, just that he decided to keep going. Forward isn't a bad direction and everyone has to shove off that way in their own time. I get that now.

We had one of our epic road trips! We drove to Denver over the summer and you really enjoyed it along with the boys. The whole family, actually.

You started 1st grade and ballet/tap class! Your first recital was a success! I could go on and on!!!!!

Your auntie posted something on the Facebook page for this blog....I'll repost it here because, well, she summed a lot of this up for me:

Dear Nathalie... I love you and your mom is so busy loving you she forgot all about this ;) but has had some great times with you this year. Your dance classes and recital where so great. You made a beautiful Flower girl. You have been kicking 1st grades butt! You are an amazing little girl. And already 2013 is looking like a wonderful year full of super special experiences for you and mommy! Auntie, Uncle and Cousins love you!

I love you, Dear Nathalie.....I will try to keep this more frequent. I will not promise anything. But I will try. Keep growing, keep laughing, keep learning. You make my heart happy.


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