Nathalie is my daughter. When she started her adventure into elementary school, I thought I should start recording my thoughts before they fluttered away with the rest of my memory.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mommies Get Sick Too

Dear Nathalie,

I know it's hard to believe. We seem like superheros that can't be stopped ... but mommies get sick, too.

I've been feeling a under the weather since Saturday night and finally went to the doctor today. I have strep throat. You were there with me when the doctor said I should keep the talking to a minimum.

Immediately after we left, you were non-stop questions.

I know it's not in your nature to be quiet. Or to ever. stop. talking. But really, kid, mommy needs a break.

In other news, parts for the Wizard of Oz were announced on Friday. You did not get the part of Dorothy, which you seem to be totally okay WILL be playing the part of "Oz Person." You're excited for this because it means I will paint your fingernails green.

Also, we enjoyed "Take your daughter to work day" this year.....Photos below. You told me my job was hard and boring and that it's no wonder that I'm tired at the end of the day. (You were there for 2 hours doing the easiest part of what I do.)

Also, you lost your top left tooth.

It was a busy week, dear Nathalie. I need my rest.


Monday, April 22, 2013


Dear Nathalie,

You have informed me today that we find out Wednesday what role you'll be playing in the Wizard of Oz production at your school. You also informed me that you're pretty sure you'll get Dorothy because, "...I would make a GREAT Dorothy."

So confident. Don't lose that.

In other news, Thursday is Take Your Daughter to Work Day. You've been waiting for this almost as long as you've been waiting to play Dorothy. I can't wait to show you what I do!

And, we'll be sneaking in a trip to Disneyland.

Pictures to follow!


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wizard of Oz

Dear Nathalie,

Your first grade class is performing The Wizard of Oz at the end of the year. I guess it's a tradition at your school or something. Spencer and Devin both did it. Spencer was a flying monkey and Devin was a munchkin.

You first learned about this play last year, in kindergarten, when your class got to watch the first graders do their dress rehearsal. From that day, all you could talk about was how you were going to be Dorothy in the play when YOU were a first grader.

Auditions were yesterday.

I asked you how you did, and you said, "I don't want to brag, so I'll say I did just as well as everyone else."

Ha!!! Confidence! I love it.

So now, we wait to see if you got the part of Dorothy. I'm happy to report that you seem to be just fine with being an Oz person if you don't get to be Dorothy, but I really hope you get it. I've got my Facebook Army rooting for you!

Best of luck to you, dear Nathalie.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

School Photos

Dear Nathalie,

When I was a kid, we did school pictures once a year. September.

That was it.

Nowadays, we get a "fall" picture and a "spring" picture.

I usually discard the spring pictures because, come on, do I really need to spend more money on an envelope of photos that just gets filed away for some project I'm never going to complete later?

This year, I changed my tune.

You have changed A LOT in just a few months!!!! How is that possible? You were still so little when you started first grade and you look like a big kid.

Stop it.
