Nathalie is my daughter. When she started her adventure into elementary school, I thought I should start recording my thoughts before they fluttered away with the rest of my memory.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Seven. Months. Later.

Dear Nathalie,

So, maybe it's been too long. Maybe I left out a whole bunch of amazing things that happened over the past seven months. But I assure you, I've been BUSY. 

Starting in August, I had a million and a half things to accomplish before the end of the year:

1. My store was remodeled and I had to help my team move in and re-open! That was LOTS of work.

2. You started 2nd grade. SECOND.

3. Bridal shower!!! We had a bridal shower to go to and MOMMY was the BRIDE!

4. The Wedding!!!!!! Mommy and Daddy had their wedding in October and it was amazing! We're officially and official family! 

5. Holiday Season at the mall. Mommy's job sucks sometimes. Let's leave it at that. 

6. Girl Scouts started. You, my dear, are a Brownie.

7. Semi Annual Sale rolls around right after the holiday rush....see number 5. 

Finally, mommy can breathe.

I'll post some pictures below, just so you have a visual of all that's gone on since June too.....but I'm excited to write about my new adventure.....Mommy is your Brownie Troop's Cookie Chair! 

That means that I'm in charge of helping your Troop with Cookie Sales this year. All of you are first year Girl Scouts and most of the moms are first year as this should be interesting. Wish me luck and hopefully, we have a kick ass cookie season!!

Remember, dear Nathalie, I may go a long time between letters, but I always come back.

Cheers to 2014!


Mommy's New Store!!!

First Day of Second Grade!

Fun in Carlsbad....

You're a Brownie!

Mommy's Bridal Shower


Helping with Thanksgiving Dinner

Christmas with your Cousins!

Mommy has a lot of work ahead of her!

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