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Crazy Day

Dear Nathalie,

It's "Crazy Day" at your daycare today.  We got you all decked out with three ponytails and mismatched socks and shoes.  Why does this warrant a letter?  Because of the way you asked if I'd take your picture.

Nathalie:  Mommy, can we take fashion pictures?
Mommy:  uhhhh, yeah, we can take pictures.
Nathalie:  Okay, I want to do three fashion pictures.

Here's what happened next:
Fashion Picture # 1

Fashion Picture #2

Fashion Picture #3

WTF are you watching on tv?  Is Wow Wow Wubbzy something I need to pay closer attention to??  Mickey Mouse Clubhouse features America's Next Top Model?  You are a silly, silly little girl, dear Nathalie.



  1. Alright. I'm going to copy you. This is fabulous way to journal these silly/wonderful moments. Cause we think we will never forget, but it's these little things I wanna hold onto forever. I heart you AND this idea :)


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