Dear Nathalie, We You did it!!! We You got through your first day of kindergarten! I'm so proud of you. Let's add some pictures:
In front of the Kindergarten Area
This was right before we went through the gate.....I promise, you were NOT the only kid that was having their picture taken. All the mommies and daddies were taking pictures of their babies big kids starting school for the first time.
With your nametag
This is the spot where you line up before starting your day. Kids have been lining up for school since the beginning of time, but you put your own little attitude into it didn't you.
Nathalie and Chapstick
Just a reminder for your daycare, Sunshine, the counselors there go by nicknames to keep the atmosphere fun, like summer camp. This picture is of you and Chapstick. She's the Head Kindergarten Counselor and she was your favorite during the summer program there. But, you...
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