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Dreams of Paris

Dear Nathalie,

Every month I wipe down the white board calendar and fill in a new month. You're usually there with me and you always ask if there are any birthdays and what holidays are coming up.  Well, July is a busy month!  There are tons of holidays and birthdays.  Your grandpa has his birthday on the 3rd.  Then there's Independence Day.  And of course, Bastille Day.  When I drew the French flag and a loose interpretation of the Eiffel Tower, you knew right away that it was a holiday that had something to do with SMART. Here is how our conversation went:

Nathalie:  Mommy, are we ever going to see Paris?
Mommy:  Yes, of course.  Someday mommy will take you to see Paris.
Nathalie:  We can meet a lot of french people there.
Mommy:  Yes, I'm sure we will.
Nathalie:  French people speak french.  It's also called France.

Very nice, Captain Obvious. 

All joking aside,  when you were first born, and mommy was certain she'd be a single mom a lot longer than she has turned out to be, I made a promise to you that I would take you to Paris the summer before you started kindergarten.  That would have been this summer. 

Plans change and life swings different things at you.  When you were two days old I had no idea that 6 months or so later I would meet an amazing man that would end up being such an important and strong part of my life.  I had no idea then that I would be relocating us to Southern California and starting a new chapter in our lives.  I like what we have going here, though.  Life is good and mommy is happier than she's been in a long time.

I will still bring you to Paris, dear Nathalie.  I will take you to the top of the Eiffel Tower and show you the city from the steps in front of the Sacre Coeur.  We will sample sweets from patisseries and eat baguettes while relaxing along the Seine.  We will climb the steps of the Arc de Triomphe and gaze at the Champs Elysees.




  1. Although crowded, a great time to go will be when she is 18 or 21 during the holidays. The city is beautiful at night with all the lights and decorations. Love you, Patti


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