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Tough Chick!

Dear Nathalie,

Today you wanted to ride your bike.  No problem.  We strapped on your helmet and we were out the door.  You are getting MUCH better at pedaling and keeping your eyes ahead.  Moving around the cars without getting into the middle of the street, also becoming a strength. 

Here's what we need to work on:

-You will very rarely find yourself going too fast UPHILL.  It is not necessary to brake every five seconds because you "went to fast, mommy."

-You cannot get mad at the neighbors when they don't respond to your tiny little bike bell.  They are in their cars. With the windows rolled up.

-Downhill is the FUN of bike riding....let loose!  FLY down the's thrilling.  I promise.

-When mommy says, "Keep pedaling, keep pedaling, KEEP PEDALING!", it's probably because you don't have enough speed to stay upright on that incline and you will most likely fall over.  Which you did.  And I laughed.

To your credit, you cried a bit, but not even a real cry.  You jumped right back on that bike and pedaled up that hill.  I was so proud.  Had that been ME....well....I would've cried.  Real tears.  And you can bet your sweet, round, fat cheeks that I wouldn't have been back on that bike for at least a day.  You're a tough chick, dear Nathalie.  Keep it up.



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