Nathalie is my daughter. When she started her adventure into elementary school, I thought I should start recording my thoughts before they fluttered away with the rest of my memory.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Picture Day!

Dear Nathalie,

Tomorrow is picture day at school!  I'm so excited for this, I can't even describe it.  Kindergarten!!  I still can't believe it.  Back to School Night is Thursday and I really can't wait to hear what your teacher has to say about you.  Here are my predictions:

"Nathalie is such a talkative kid."
"Nathalie really is a social butterfly."
"Nathalie thinks she knows everything, doesn't she!"

I'll update you when I get home Thursday night.

In other news, you added more pictures to your journal.  You've hidden it from me at the moment, so I can't take any pictures to post right now.  But you drew a robot, and.....I can't remember.  I'm super exhausted from the long week I just wrapped up.  Mommy is off work for the next two days and I plan to spend some quality time with you on at least ONE of them.  I miss you!  Since you're in school now we don't get to spend my weekdays off along anymore.  I think you're missing me a lot too....well....more than usual.  I had anticipated this happening, but the report from Chapstick is that you have been pretty emotional that past few I'll be sure to hug you lots and lots on my next day off.  Until then, dear Nathalie, keep up those wonderful drawings and keep making new friends at school.....that's more funny than boring ol' mommy.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Artist's Journal

Dear Nathalie,

When we went to Canada, we bought you a little notebook.  Today you wanted to start drawing in it.  These are your first three pictures.  The first one is you playing baseball.  You wanted to draw yourself in an Angels uniform, but when I told you they wore white, you told me white crayons don't work.  The second one is a picture of your favorite thing.  A big bowl of macaroni and cheese!  The last one is my favorite.  You described it as a picture of you "listening to a melody."  Keep it up, dear Nathalie.  You are an inspired artist.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Kindergarten ROCKS!

Dear Nathalie,

We You did it!!!  We You got through your first day of kindergarten!  I'm so proud of you.  Let's add some pictures:

In front of the Kindergarten Area

This was right before we went through the gate.....I promise, you were NOT the only kid that was having their picture taken.  All the mommies and daddies were taking pictures of their babies  big kids starting school for the first time. 

With your nametag

This is the spot where you line up before starting your day.  Kids have been lining up for school since the beginning of time, but you put your own little attitude into it didn't you. 

Nathalie and Chapstick

Just a reminder for your daycare, Sunshine, the counselors there go by nicknames to keep the atmosphere fun, like summer camp.  This picture is of you and Chapstick.  She's the Head Kindergarten Counselor and she was your favorite during the summer program there.  But, you call her Miss Chopstick.  Which I think is hilarious, but she may not. 

That kid up front is the tallest five-year-old I've ever seen in my LIFE.  And he likes you.

So...There you are, all lined up and ready to start your school career.  This is about where I started crying, but not a lot, not like those other sappy parents that were there.  Only a few kids in the whole group were in tears.  You were DEFINITELY not one of them.  I will admit...the further I walked away from you, the more I started crying.  It wasn't the same as leaving you at daycare for the first time...which wasn't hard on me at all....okay, it was.  This was different.  Such a milestone it is to start kindergarten.  Watching you stand there, cool and collected, just made me so proud of the big girl you've grown up to be.  Very confident and sure of yourself, even if a little precocious.  This will be so much fun for you and I'm so excited to watch you blossom even more!

I just love your teacher to pieces.

How awesome is this???  What a great way to capture this memory.  When I picked you up today, you talked nonstop for at least 15 minutes.  What an exciting day you had!  One of my favorite things you said to me when I first picked you up was, "Mommy, kindergarten is SHORT!"  Keep up that enthusiasm, dear Nathalie......You've got so many exciting things ahead of you.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Two-ish days before kindergarten.....

You and Mommy in Vancouver, B.C.

Dear Nathalie,

I haven't written you a letter in awhile...I know.  But we were soooooo worn out from our road trip up to Canada and back that I just haven't had the energy to sit down and write.  Well, let me rephrase that....YOU haven't given me TWO minutes to sit down and write.

Since my vacation started, you have been stuck to me like glue.  Aren't you sick of me yet?  I completely understand....but I also just don't get it.  You are ALL over me ALL the time.  I know there will be a time when you want absolutely nothing to do with me and I'll look back and wish for these days when you couldn't get enough of me.  But for now....give mommy a break!!!

I did realize today, though, that we will actually be spending less time together once school starts for you. Our routine had become quite comfortable for you.  I would have you stay home with me when I had a day off during the week instead of taking you to daycare.  Now that school is starting, that won't happen anymore.  You have to go to school every day.  Mommy is looking forward to time to herself again,  I can tell you that much.  I know it might be rough for you because I don't have the weekends off very often, but I'm sure you'll adjust to the new routine just fine.

So Wednesday is the day!  Kindergarten begins and you are that much closer to big girl status.  We finished up your school shopping today.  A few more outfits and some shoes....three pairs of shoes to be exact...and I think you're all set.  Tuesday night we go to the Ice Cream Social to find out who your teacher is and meet your classmates.  It's all very exciting for just can't wait!  I started thinking more about your grandma though, with this big day in your life coming up.  I miss her so much.  I wish that she were here to see what a big girl you are see how excited you are to start school and make new friends.  I wish she were here to give me advice on how to handle the "sassypants" phase you're in, as I most certainly was the same.  I wish she were here still so that when I drop you off at school on Wednesday, I could call her and get through the bittersweet moments of watching your baby grow up.

I love you SO much, Dear Nathalie.  Even when you are stuck like glue to me....


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Oh Canada!

Dear Nathalie,

We just got back from our family trip for the summer.  We drove all the way up to Vancouver, B.C. and had many stops along the way.  After a massive 23 hours on the road yesterday, mommy is exhausted....I will send you a follow up letter tomorrow.  For now, I need to sleep. 
