Nathalie is my daughter. When she started her adventure into elementary school, I thought I should start recording my thoughts before they fluttered away with the rest of my memory.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

More drawings...

Dear Nathalie,

I wanted to post the three new pictures you added to your journal.  Because, well, journals get lost.  This way, they will be on the internet forever and you can look back and see how creative you were at age 5.  (Which you did NOT get from me, by the way.  Mommy couldn't draw STICK FIGURES at the the age of 5.)


This was starting out as a picture of you and then you got mad that you drew the legs I suggested you make it a robot and you were thrilled at that idea.  Great recovery.

Ice Skates

I took me awhile to see the ice skates in this picture....but there they are....I think.  Um....let's work on your ice skate drawings.

Peppermint Candy

It's one of those twisty wrappered candies. 

So, those are your newest additions.  I'm going to get to doing some housework now. 


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