Nathalie is my daughter. When she started her adventure into elementary school, I thought I should start recording my thoughts before they fluttered away with the rest of my memory.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wow, I suck.

Dear Nathalie,

Turns out mommy is pretty awful at this blogging thing. It's been 9 months since my last letter to you. So much has happened, I don't know how I can possibly capture it all, but I'll try to give a quick rundown of how the year has gone.

We had lots of fun on our many trips to Disneyland. It's our special time together doing something we both LOVE. Watching your reaction on rides and during parades is one of my favorite things. I'm glad we're able to enjoy the parks together.


You turned EIGHT!!!! We went to the American Girl store for you birthday and ate at the cafe. It was entirely too expensive but, you know what, you can't take it with you. 

So. Many. Brownie. Adventures. 
Cookies sales, Brownie Camp, and most of all......your first summer sleep away camp!!!! You were gone for almost a full week! It was harder on mommy than it was on you. Such a big girl and I was so excited that you came back with a good experience on your first adventure away from home on your own. 


We started reading Harry Potter!!! By the time school started you had pretty much finished through Goblet of Fire. I finished the series, which you're pretty upset at me for doing, but at least I know to slow you down a bit. Still not ready for you to know the fate of your favorite characters just yet....Poor Dobby.

We've had tons of fun together so far this year. You ran (walked) the Color Run with me...we got to see Frozen at the El Capitan Theater, a day in, our family road trip this summer.

Our adventures are always grand, dear Nathalie. I'm so happy to have you by my side.


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Seven. Months. Later.

Dear Nathalie,

So, maybe it's been too long. Maybe I left out a whole bunch of amazing things that happened over the past seven months. But I assure you, I've been BUSY. 

Starting in August, I had a million and a half things to accomplish before the end of the year:

1. My store was remodeled and I had to help my team move in and re-open! That was LOTS of work.

2. You started 2nd grade. SECOND.

3. Bridal shower!!! We had a bridal shower to go to and MOMMY was the BRIDE!

4. The Wedding!!!!!! Mommy and Daddy had their wedding in October and it was amazing! We're officially and official family! 

5. Holiday Season at the mall. Mommy's job sucks sometimes. Let's leave it at that. 

6. Girl Scouts started. You, my dear, are a Brownie.

7. Semi Annual Sale rolls around right after the holiday rush....see number 5. 

Finally, mommy can breathe.

I'll post some pictures below, just so you have a visual of all that's gone on since June too.....but I'm excited to write about my new adventure.....Mommy is your Brownie Troop's Cookie Chair! 

That means that I'm in charge of helping your Troop with Cookie Sales this year. All of you are first year Girl Scouts and most of the moms are first year as this should be interesting. Wish me luck and hopefully, we have a kick ass cookie season!!

Remember, dear Nathalie, I may go a long time between letters, but I always come back.

Cheers to 2014!


Mommy's New Store!!!

First Day of Second Grade!

Fun in Carlsbad....

You're a Brownie!

Mommy's Bridal Shower


Helping with Thanksgiving Dinner

Christmas with your Cousins!

Mommy has a lot of work ahead of her!

Friday, June 14, 2013

First Grade is Over

Dear Nathalie,

You did it. You broke my heart. 

Today is the last day of 1st grade and I really thought I'd handle it well. I had you stand at the door and took your photo. You know, so I could compare your first day with your last day. 

I drove you to school, dropped you off. 


Then I got home. I pulled up my handy "Instacollage" app, pulled your first day photo and your last day photo into the fancy frame and WHAMMO!

Instant tears.

You have grown SO much in this past school year. Not only are you TALLER, but you have developed such a sharp wit. You're smart. You're a critical thinker. You're reading like crazy. And I'm so proud.

And heartbroken. 

It's such a joy to watch you grow and really, that's what it's all about. Raising our children so they can become good people and contribute to the world around them in positive ways. And I know you'll do just that. 

But it hurts to think back to those days where you were so dependent on me for everything. Your little cry for food, or snuggles or a diaper. Long have they passed. 

It's milestones like these that bring out the pain of losing your grandma so soon. These are the kinds of days I should be able to pick up the phone and call my mom and compare emotions.

Was it this hard for you when I finished 1st grade?
Did you cry like a baby when you realized that someday I'd grow up and move out?
Can you believe how BIG she is already?

And I can just hear my mom's voice telling me "Now you know." 

Now I know why it was so hard for her to watch me pack my bags and move to San Francisco. 

Now I know why she was completely okay with me moving back.

Now I know why she was SO worried about some of the choices I made when I was dating less than awesome boys. 

Now I know why she dropped everything to help me take care of you. 

Because our babies are always our babies. No matter how big they get. How bratty they may behave. How mad they may be with us for trying to "meddle in their business."

They are ours to protect and guide and love. Even if we have a hard time showing it sometimes.

So remember, dear Nathalie, that you are MY baby. And I'll love you for always. 

Congratulations on making it through 1st grade. Now I just have to make it through eleven more of these. 


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Professional Seven-year-old

Dear Nathalie,

As we were finishing dinner last night, Ron and I were talking about how great you are at being seven. I can't recall exactly what sparked that conversation (mostly because I'm extremely tired and getting older) but right on cue you came over with your little paper fortune teller thing (we used to call them "cootie catchers" when I was little) and told me to pick a color. We went through the whole thing and at the end, my fortune was "You will be a princess." You then went on to read aloud all the fortunes. That you wrote. 

You will have xray vision.

You will have rainbow vision.

You will have an extra arm.

You will have an extra eye.

You will be a queen.

You will be a king.

You will be a princess.

You will be a prince.

You, my dear, are excellent at being seven. 

Some of these things I have to start capturing on video because they are much to complicated to translate to mere written words. It's all in how you communicate. The words you use and the tone you select to get your little points across. 

So many opinions already on how the world works. So many questions. 

Last night you wanted to know what a proposal was. Then, what was a business proposal. Why? Where is this coming from? 

I asked you to say goodnight to everyone and it was at that exact moment that you noticed my cookbook shelf. 

"You have a FRENCH cookbook??" Yes, love....and that was my French Laundry cookbook.

This particular letter is extremely scattered, but it will spark a memory for me later, and that's what matters. 

I'll write another soon....Friday morning I sit and wait to pick you up from your last day of 1st grade. Growing so fast. 

Stop it.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

The things we do for our children.

Dear Nathalie,

Your Wizard of Oz play is this evening. My plan was to drop you off and run a few errands before the play started.

I was informed by your teacher that it would be wise to head over and get in line for a seat.
So, here I am.

I've been sitting here for close to half an hour already.

On the floor.

Of an elementary school hallway.

It's incredibly uncomfortable and in the end, I'm almost certain that I won't even really be able to see you anyway. But, you've been working hard for this play. And even though you wanted to be Dorothy, in your mind "Oz Person" is just as sweet a role. I caught a sneak peek of you in costume heading to the stage with your friends. You look about as adorable as I expected.

Break a leg kiddo. Meanwhile, I'll break my back here on the floor.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mommies Get Sick Too

Dear Nathalie,

I know it's hard to believe. We seem like superheros that can't be stopped ... but mommies get sick, too.

I've been feeling a under the weather since Saturday night and finally went to the doctor today. I have strep throat. You were there with me when the doctor said I should keep the talking to a minimum.

Immediately after we left, you were non-stop questions.

I know it's not in your nature to be quiet. Or to ever. stop. talking. But really, kid, mommy needs a break.

In other news, parts for the Wizard of Oz were announced on Friday. You did not get the part of Dorothy, which you seem to be totally okay WILL be playing the part of "Oz Person." You're excited for this because it means I will paint your fingernails green.

Also, we enjoyed "Take your daughter to work day" this year.....Photos below. You told me my job was hard and boring and that it's no wonder that I'm tired at the end of the day. (You were there for 2 hours doing the easiest part of what I do.)

Also, you lost your top left tooth.

It was a busy week, dear Nathalie. I need my rest.


Monday, April 22, 2013


Dear Nathalie,

You have informed me today that we find out Wednesday what role you'll be playing in the Wizard of Oz production at your school. You also informed me that you're pretty sure you'll get Dorothy because, "...I would make a GREAT Dorothy."

So confident. Don't lose that.

In other news, Thursday is Take Your Daughter to Work Day. You've been waiting for this almost as long as you've been waiting to play Dorothy. I can't wait to show you what I do!

And, we'll be sneaking in a trip to Disneyland.

Pictures to follow!
