Nathalie is my daughter. When she started her adventure into elementary school, I thought I should start recording my thoughts before they fluttered away with the rest of my memory.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Late night letter

Dear Nathalie,

Mommy had one of her very late nights at work again.  You asked me, again, today when would I be able to stay home with you all the time.  I know you're only five and you don't understand the idea of needing an income, but every time you ask me that I feel so guilty for having to be a working mom. 

Yes, it's true, I love what I do.  I'm good at my career...that's why I've been doing it for so long.  But if it were economically possible, mommy would quit her job in a heart beat and stay home with you. 

I grew up with two working parents.  I was a daycare kid when I was your age, too.  The whole idea of "stay-at-home-moms" seemed so silly to me before I had you.  But those weeks...those few precious weeks of vacation I have every year, when I DO get to stay home with you.....they are the best weeks of my life.  Not just because I get to spend time with you....that's awesome...but I also get to prepare MEALS for the family...I'm able to keep house.....a concept that is so foreign to a lot of women these days.

I had it in my head that I would always be a career woman.  "I can be super-mom:  work, help at school functions, have an orderly house, make great meals......"   HA!  I feel like I'm barely holding on sometimes.  My schedule is so completely out of whack compared to the people that are most important in my life and I feel like I'm missing so much.

So, dear Nathalie, when you ask me if I can just stay home with you all the time....please know that my heart says YESSSSSSS!  But the bills say no.  I wish that, at minimum, I could have a normal work schedule so that life would seem somewhat more in balance.  At present I can't change that....maybe by the time you read this particular letter in my series to you, I will have figured something else out....But please know that all my hard work is so that I can provide a decent life for you and the rest of our little family.  And know that I love you SO much.


1 comment:

  1. Very nice, Jen. She's a lucky girl to have you as her Mom.
